Health and Safety Training Newsletter:

January 2022

Fire Safety

Safety notice

Our fire marshals are due to undertake their requalification training next month, if you have any questions regarding fire safety please speak to:

  • Dave Wiggins

  • Craig Rapley

  • Lawrence Mackenzie


Fire safety tips

Read the below safety tips to find out how you can help prevent fires and how to stay safe in the event of a fire.

  • Keep ignition sources such as open flames, sparks and heat away from flammable products and equipment

  • Smoke only outside of the premises and away from any ignition sources

  • Ensure that workshop cleanliness is maintained to avoid a build up of items that can easily burn

  • Keep all fire exits clear - don’t block them with any equipment

  • Ensure that all fire extinguishers are easily accessible


Fire alarms

Our fire alarms are checked and maintained on a regular basis. If you hear the fire alarm sound at any point, please head directly to the fire assembly point located opposite the seating bay (click the button below to view our fire map).

If you experience any issues with your fire alarms or emergency lighting, please inform a member of the senior management team immediately.


Woodshed fire safety

Combustible dust, such as wood dust, can accumulate inside of, or escape from, equipment and settle on work area surfaces. These accumulations, when released in the air in the presence of an ignition source, can result in an explosion. Take these safety steps when working in the woodshed, to avoid this hazard.

  • Always use the LEV system - this will significantly remove the majority of the wood dust in the air

  • Never smoke when working in the woodshed

  • Do not use any tools which can create sparks when inside of the woodshed

  • Ensure that there are no ignition sources when working inside of the woodshed eg: open flames or sparks from equipment

First aid at Stanford Coachworks

What to do if you require first aid

If you are able to get to a first aid station:

  • Find your nearest first aider (Dave or Lawrence) and ask them for help.

  • If your injury is minor (eg: you just require a plaster etc.) there are first aid kits available in the production office, the stores and the wash bay.

  • If first aid is given, our first aiders will need to file a report for our records - this will require them taking information from you about the incident.

If you are unable to get to a first aid station:

  • Remain calm and stay as still as possible.

  • Ask your team member to get a first aider who can bring a first aid kit to you.

  • If the situation is an emergency, immediately call 999.

  • A defibrillator is available on site and is positioned next to the tea room for emergencies.

We would also like to congratulate Lawrence for passing his first aid requalification earlier this month. Well done Lawrence!


Your first aiders are:

Dave Wiggins & Lawrence Mackenzie

Staying safe in the yard

The Stanford Coachworks’ yard can be extremely busy at times, so follow the below advice to help keep yourselves and your colleagues safe.

  • Take extra care when walking or driving around the blind corner by the blue container. A mirror has been positioned on the wash bay to help.

  • Be cautious when the fork lift is in operation.

  • Look out for moving vehicles, especially those reversing.

  • Wear a high-visibility jacket to cross the road to either compound.

  • Always ensure that the skip is easily accessible and allow plenty of space for large / heavy objects to pass through.

  • Ensure that the main and personnel gates are kept closed at all times.


VCA Audit

We would like to say thank you to everyone for keeping your paperwork up to date and completed for our most recent VCA audit. It is highly important that we all remain on top of this paperwork throughout the year.

Lastly, we are proud to announce that we have been granted a two-year extension, which is the most that we can receive, on our Type Approval!

Thank you all for your continued efforts.


COVID-19 company update

In this past month, there has been multiple changes to the government COVID-19 guidance relating to self isolation periods and the wearing of face masks. This ever-changing guidance can become confusing, so to help you easily understand the changes, please see the below chart.


COVID-19 advice at Stanford Coachworks

  • Continue to test on a weekly basis before coming to work on Monday morning.

  • If there is a positive COVID case within Stanfords, we will also ask for a mid-week test to ensure that no one else has been infected.

  • It is no longer mandatory to wear a face covering however, if you feel unwell but are showing as negative it is good practise to wear a face mask. It can sometimes take a few days for COVID to show on a test result and within this time period you are at your most infectious.

  • If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, such as a runny nose, high temperature, sore throat, headache, please immediately take a test. There are a few emergency tests available in the office if you do not have any.

  • For further guidance and advice, please refer to the government website here.

 If you have any questions relating to the information in this months newsletter, please speak to senior management.

Please fill in your name below to acknowledge that you have read the January Health and Safety training newsletter.