e-SCW: Electric Vehicle Conversions
Introducing the e-SCW range…
We understand that many of our clients are trying to source greener transport solutions, therefore we have designed the e-SCW range of fully-electric vehicle conversions.
We are now offering conversions on a variety of electric base vehicles including the Maxus eDeliver 9, the Ford eTransit and more.
SCW Showcase: The Maxus eDeliver 9
We have proudly partnered with Maxus - Heathrow Van Centre to produce the first M1 and M2 brake approved Maxus eDeliver 9s. This fully electric vehicle is available to our clients and we are offering a variety of different conversions on it.
See below for more photos!
What type of conversions are we offering on the fully electric Maxus eDeliver 9?
The Maxus eDeliver 9 Brochure
The Ford eTransit
The Ford eTransit is another new addition to the e-SCW range and we are pleased to be offering a variety of different M1 and M2 conversions on the 4250kgs model.
Take a look below at the available conversion options.
What type of conversions are we offering on the fully electric Ford eTransit?
The Ford eTransit Brochure
Some of our Popular Options
Choice of passenger seating
Choice of interior colours and designs
Upper cant rail tracking and side wall tracking
Wheelchair restraint storage box
Choice of interior lighting - blue / white roof lights, colour changing LED roof lights, low-level blue LED lighting
Choice of side steps (factory step on Maxus eDeliver 9 conversions)
Heating and air conditioning ducted to the rear of the vehicle
Choice of internal or external tail lifts (depending on conversion type)
USB / USB-c charging sockets
Exterior decals
The Gallery
Click here to visit our gallery for more images of our electric vehicle conversions.